
CPAP machines are essential medical equipment

The government is moving to limit the costs of lifesaving medicines. It might be time to consider the rising costs of critical medical equipment, too.

Letters to the EditorMay 14, 2023

Compassion does not necessarily come from spirituality

It can be a product of secularism, a belief that human beings are at the center of the universe and desire to do good deeds to benefit humanity.

Letters to the EditorMay 14, 2023

ADHD is no excuse for easy access to guns

Those who have made it easy for anyone to buy a firearm share responsibility for the senseless acts of gun violence.

Letters to the EditorMay 14, 2023

When the King of the Ring made magic in Virginia

Muhammad Ali’s magic act transcended mere trickery. He brought everyone together.

Letters to the EditorMay 14, 2023

A larger House is needed — and doable

Technological advances notwithstanding — email, social media, always the cellphone — people want to better communicate their concerns to their representatives.

Letters to the EditorMay 14, 2023

Americans have to stop thinking that guns offer protection

There is never a good outcome when guns are involved.

Letters to the EditorMay 14, 2023

D.C. voters deserve the information ahead of elections

A proposal to delay reports until after elections shows a mistrust of voters.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

Don’t overlook the many glories of pickleball

The burgeoning sport attracts people of all ages and really is exercise.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

There is help for teens who use marijuana

Sober college programs across the country give teens who have struggled with addiction the support they need to navigate college.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

What the E. Jean Carroll verdict and the response to it mean

Republicans cannot counter the obvious conclusion that their leading candidate for president believes he is entitled to do as he wishes to women.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

This is the biggest threat to democracy

The enemy of democracy is not communism, nor is it socialism, nor fascism. And it’s certainly not a free press.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

How we solve the gun problem

Why aren’t we seeing the true horrors of AR-15s, which once were outlawed in this country, and taking steps to restrict ammunition?

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

Equine athletes must be spared from some of the worst abuses

Whether horse racing is finally ushering in a new era amid increasing public disapproval remains to be seen.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

Here are two other solutions for covid learning loss

Subject mastery and tutoring by retired folks could help.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

Without the farm bill, very few American farmers could survive

Geopolitical risks, pandemics, natural disasters, labor shortages and stagnant trade opportunities make farming harder.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

Fairfax Democrats should widen their caucus

A person has to be “in the know” with party politics. Not everyone has the social capital or time.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

Readers critique The Post: Please don’t insult South Korea’s first lady

Here are this week's Free for All letters.

Letters to the EditorMay 12, 2023

The U.S. economy depends on immigrants

Every immigrant job added to the U.S. economy significantly drives job and wage growth for millions of Americans.

Letters to the EditorMay 11, 2023

Children need access to well-trained school psychologists

A critical shortage of these professionals leaves many students without access to care or essential prevention services, and schools scramble to plug the gaps.

Letters to the EditorMay 11, 2023

Classic high school musicals offer a learning opportunity

Students who denigrate the “old-fashioned” American musicals that bigoted school boards would approve might be missing something.

Letters to the EditorMay 11, 2023